Exercises voting (SELECT, rating)
In this Section you can estimate the tasks of the second and the third stages (SELECT exercises) on 10-score scale.
If you change your opinion subsequently, you can correct your rating at any time; and only the last rating will be taken into account.
It is an individual rating of the quality of the problem, which can be different from the task's rating
generated by the system on the basis of the time spent on its solution by the leaders of the rating system.
You can base your rating on any criteria, e.g.:
- I simply like the task;
- The exercise enables us to learn something new about SQL;
- The exercise has made me think seriously on certain issues;
- It calls for optimizing of the query;
- This is the sort of problem the solution of which I can apply in my work and so on.
The results of the voting may be taken into account when subsequently generating other ratings of the site.
In order to estimate the problem, you should choose your rating from the list next to the number of exercise (0 - extremely bad, 10 - excellent)
and click the button to the right of the list.
Authorization is required since in order to estimate the problem you should solve it.
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