SQL exercises
October 16, 01:32 MSK


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Data modeling for DML exercises.

Telegram channel SQL-Ex.

Visual modelling (Painting database).

There are exercises on SELECT statement (presently 185 exercises on learn stage and 238 exercises on rating stages) and on other data manipulation operators - INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE (57 exercises). The rating of members is carried on SELECT exercises. See test conditions.
Interactive SQL ebook The book "SQL. Problems and solutions" , which is analyzing the characteristic mistakes admitted at the solution of the learn-stage exercises on the site, was originally published in Peter Publishing Company.

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Practical skills of SQL language

This site will help everyone to gain or improve skills in building SQL Data Manipulation Language statements. To train You will have to build yourself the SQL statements for retrieval or modification of specific data required in the exercises. When Your query is incorrect, You will be able to see rows returned by the correct query along with that returned by Your query. Furthermore, you may execute arbitrary DML statements on available databases by setting the "Without checking" option. There are five levels of difficulty (from 1 to 5), You may see it in second column of exercises list. We propose the exercises on retrieving data (SELECT statement) and the exercises on modifying data (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE statements). Your success in the solving the exercises are shown by a rating of participants. As this takes place, there are three stages: the first one (first 4 exercises) is performed without time control for an individual exercise, the second one (begins with the exercise #5) controls time for completion of each task. At the third stage which refers to optimizing and begins with exercise #139, it is required not only to solve an exercise correctly, but also time of execution of inquiry should be commensurable with time of execution of the author's solution.
Exercises of the first stage are available without registration and may be solved in any order You like. The solution of the rest of exercises requires registration. REGISTRATION IS FREE as this for all other services of the site. In the third column of exercises list You will be able to see ("OK") notes with the numbers of done exercises, but that is available only to the registered users. In fact, that is the main reason for registration. If You would like to visit our web site again, You won't have to recollect which exercises You have done already and which You haven't. If You don't want to register, You may enter as a guest, but in that case Your results won't be traced by the system. Registered users also may discuss the solutions to exercises in our forum.

NOTE: The query stated incorrectly may return the "correct" data on a current state of database. For this reason You should not be surprised if the results of incorrect query are coincide with the results of right one with Your query is estimated as incorrect by the Verifying system.

NOTE: Your browser should support Cookies and Javascript to provide correct usage of this site. If you use content filter, it should allow opening child windows to explore help pages.


Successful testing of yours can be confirmed by the certificate "SQL Data Manipulation Language Specialist". We support quality of our certificate by periodically replacing exercises and changing the certificate requirements.

More about certification. What does the certificate give to you?

SQL syntax used

User's queries are executed by SQL server that brings some limitations to the syntax of SQL statements. Now we use Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (15.0) on the rating stages, and MariaDB-10.4 (compatible with MySQL 8), PostgreSQL 12.3, and Oracle Database 11g on the learn stage in addition. That is why You should follow the syntax of these realizations when building queries. It should be noted that SQL syntax, implemented in Microsoft SQL Server, is close to that of SQL-92 standard. But there are some distinctions, among them is absence of NATURAL JOIN of tables. Supplied help on SQL Data Manipulation Language is held in accordance with SQL-92 standard and contains information necessary for solving the exercises. In the same place it is possible to find features of used realization (SQL Server 2005).

Top 10 results

Person ScoresDaysDays_2Days_3Scores_3
Chernov D.V. (Kursist) 71827731925.5842033.017 259
Filippkin D.V. (_dimon_) 7075306224.226156.502 255
Doschenko V.N. (mcrain) 66738782042.840525.210 252
Kostomarov A.V. (al29) 64532794333.7442473.867 251
Krasovskij E.A. (pegoopik) 7054951211.21414.380 249
Kreslavskij O.M. (Arcan) 6986232284.062225.498 248
Bezhaev A.Yu. (Baser) 6624836283.817347.687 240
Boiko D. (Angellore) 65161965433.4523825.743 237
Dubinskij A.V. (_velial) 64841202796.1483371.376 227
Karasyova N.V. (vlksm) 6726635289.660242.855 225

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