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Exercises under SQL Server is now checking on 2019 version.
The nearest birthdays. Do not forget to congratulate!
Ilia Kazakov (nipah~~~) - 24, March Andrey Mazur (Ondre) - 25, March Alexander Shestopalov (freespoken) - 26, March Lev Gubarev (Ливан) - 28, March Andrey Dudochkin (dandr) - 30, March Vsevolod Grabelnikov (loki) - 30, March Andrey Chuprikov (Inderdikt) - 1, April Dmitry Golubev (DmitryGolubev) - 2, April Dmitry Degtyarev (DimaD) - 2, April Svetlana Vinogradova (Tigra1) - 3, April ALEKSEI RYLOV (LexaR2D2) - 3, April Dmitry Petrov (GiBis) - 3, April Andrey Epifanov (andrey_nick) - 3, April Anton Kozlovsky (T!) - 3, April Andrey Vavilin (S. Peisov) - 3, April
Last certified:
Viktor Rudnev (pazartesi) - 22, February Alexander Hohlov (rald6839) - 7, February Anastasiya Golubeva (Сutie) - 5, January Maksim Chuvstvin (chuvstvinmaxim) - 24, December Eugene Kocherov (ssense) - 22, December Igor Nazarenko (ki.mono) - 20, December Denis Protasov (preblud) - 19, December Anastasiia Mordvintseva (ashigray) - 17, December VLADIMIR BOYARSKIY (ChronoMorzh) - 16, December Nikolay Kulemzin (Bulochka_c_izumom) - 2, December
The SQL Server POWER (x, y) function raises x to the power of y.
x is an expression of type FLOAT or of a type that can be implicitly converted to FLOAT.
y is an expression of a numeric type.
The returned result has the same type as x.
The returned result is of FLOAT type.
SQRT is the inverse function of POWER(x, 2), so that SQRT(POWER(x,2)) should return x.
Let’s check this
select 3 x, power(3,2) y, sqrt(power(3,2)) sqrt_y;
x y sqrt_y
3 9 3
This is correct. However,
select 3.1 x, power(3.1,2) y, sqrt(power(3.1,2)) sqrt_y;
x y sqrt_y
3.1 9.6 3,09838667696593
This unexpected result in most likelihood has to do with a loss of precision when the POWER function result type (which matches the type of the argument, NUMERIC) is implicitly converted to FLOAT.
The resource is positioned as a "handbook" for this site SQL-EX.COM, but can be used irrespective of it also.
The following DBMS are used on the site for solving exercises: SQL Server 2017 Express, Oracle Database 11g Express Edition, MariaDB-10.2.13 (compatible with MySQL 8), PostgreSQL 10.3.